Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Taking Stock for 2015

The year is quickly coming to a close. Amazingly, It has ended in a way that I wished for but never expected. God has shone his face on me. It is like watching the sunset on a beach. The view is breath taking and the feeling it gives is uplifting. It remains in your mind, beautifully weaved together for you to remember and smile. I am excited about 2016. I don't remember being this excited about a new year. I am walking into it with so much energy because I know God has better things in store for me if I keep believing him.

Making: New friends at every chance I get. Your network is your net-worth.

Hoping: To diversify my writing next year. To write better articles and impact more people through my blog posts.

Cooking: No, baking more often than before. So far, lemon cake is my best. 

Drinking: Less tea and coffee and more water.

Reading: Those nursery school books everyday. I am teaching the little man how to 

read. Yesterday during our reading session I realized that these new generation kids are 

not a joke. In his alphabet book , I is for Ice cream and J is fr Jeep. I think I knew a Jeep 

while in high school. J was for jump, I was for insect :).  #goals #generationZmaybe  

Wanting: New challenges everyday. I want to hang around people who are bubbling with energy and bursting with ideas like they are paid to think.

Looking: Forward to the new year :).

Playing: That song "Moto ya kuotea mbali" in my head nonstop. I cant stop myself.

Wasting: No time in terms of goal setting and chasing.

Sewing: Nothing at all.

Wishing: I can get a watch for New Years or for just existing :).

Enjoying: Coming to work over the Holiday season. There is absolutely no traffic.

Waiting: For January to start. The month has only 20 working days but there is so much to do plus, hey it my birthday month. 

Liking: That Domino's Pizza opened a store right opposite our office. A slice once a while wont hurt :). 

Wondering: Whether I am the only one with so much psyche for 2016. 

Loving: The color pink more everyday.

Marveling: At God's love upon me and my family in 2015.

Needing: A mentor. A high flying female in the corporate world. Recommendations can come.

Smelling: Some chicken pies from the kitchen. 

Wearing: Pink, black and nude heels.

Following: Nothing.

Noticing: That I have added weight over the festive season. Njaanuary will work on it though, no worries.

Knowing: I am better than I was last year like now.

Thinking: That I should buy myself these three books  ; The Tipping Point, The Rules of Power and Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda. I should start the new year on a bright drive.

Feeling: Excited knowing that mid next year my little man joins school. I don't know how I will manage to hold back my tears when I see him in uniform. 

Bookmarking: Many blogs on Agriprenuership. 

Opening: My desk to take out lip balm.

Giggling: At nothing really.

New beginnings are nothing if you do not transform that energy into something useful.
Go ahead and celebrate, but remember there are 364 days ahead for you to execute your plans. Wake up everyday and remember what excited you about that new beginning, ignite that fire and keep going.

You will feel like stopping, going slower and generally being in doubt, but always find a new reason to go on. If you cant find, remember why you started. If it still does not inspire you, remember you have so many people you need to prove wrong, do not let anyone ever define you as a failure. Be a success in your own terms. 

Thank you so much for reading all through 2015.
Happy new year.

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

The Stool Test

Picture courtesy of

It was my first time to have a migraine. I cannot describe the pain any better than saying it is like someone was lighting a fire on my head. It was just burning up there and it kept becoming hotter. I thought it was something to do with my eyesight or some crazy tonsillitis. You can imagine my horror when the doctor said we shall take a stool test. 

Really?! Stool test? I said headache. We shall test typhoid and other things, he said. I concluded I would have made a crappy doctor. But crappy doctors do exist nonetheless.

I was once involved in a minor car accident on my way to work and other than shock, I really did not have much pain till later in the day when my right leg started swelling and I realized I was slightly bruised. I walked into a hospital expecting to be given pain killers and maybe a pain gel. The fella had ear phones on. He would occasionally remove them, slowly take his sleepy eyes off his machine, ask a question e.g what time was the accident? Where was the accident? Which bus was it? Is it the reason why there is a traffic snarl up on Thika road?  One at a time, then he slowly would put his cheap earphones back on and hit the keyboard like his nails had just been manicured and he dint want to spoil the look. No he was not an old guy.

 I had already had an accident, I dint want to pick fights and arguments with anyone so I waited patiently for him to do his thing as I convinced myself that the doctor may need to report this accident victim to the nearest Police Post so irrelevant questions were part of a bigger plan. When he asked If I had a heartburn yet he had not even asked about the leg or even shown any signs of seeking to know whether it was the right or left leg we were discussing, I gave up on his professionalism and walked out. I guess they must have a whatsApp group called "Nairobi's Crappy Doctors" and as soon as I walked out of the consultation room, the chat must have been something like;

Crappy Doc One : Just asked a leg injury patient if she had a heart burn....lmao!!

Crappy Doc Two: Digehota! Tears.....was she cute?

Crappy Doc One: Exactly the reason for my strategy to make her stay longer and                                                   

                                     probably get a little mad, you know how light skinned mamas are cute                       
                                  when the are  mad.........hahaha. She had cute legs  btw.
Crappy Doc Donholm:  Cute legs that you dint touch, nkt!! Umetuangusha!!

                                                                   Crappy Nurse left 

Crappy Doc One Changed Group Subject to "Zero chills".

Where were we? So yea I went to a different hospital whose doctor was probably not a member of the above group or maybe he is the silent follower. 

Back to the stool test, I was sent to the lab for the procedure. 

I don't know why hospitals have never thought about making some of these procedures patient friendly. 

They should have a room with the containers and chats showing directions like ; 
"Stool Sample .....................> Pick clear container with a scoop like thing inside here ..................> Write your name on the label. Use toilets on the left, put a little fecal matter, return on the tray on the right. :) 

Slogan: Relax, we shall handle your shit!!

Everyone in that room would know we are here to have the fecal matter test. There wouldn't be any shame, we are fecal matter patients, we can form a whatsApp group after we get our results and share our experiences. Haha. 

Unfortunately, the truth is that you have to meet the lab guy who in most cases I assume must be a member of "Zero Chills" group. Like the guy I met had a marvin on. Are lab technicians allowed to wear marvins at work? Will some bacteria crawl up their heads and cause them to be bald at an early age thus they must cover up? I dint get it; the marvin thing. But you cant ask a lab guy personal questions, he might get offended and say you are positive while you are not, or raise his voice when he is giving you the stool container "chota stool kidogo uweke hapa." Then the kids waiting with their parents at the waiting bay will ask "Mummy, stool inaweza chotwa?" And you cant laugh because the joke is on you and about you. I also don't know why they make the stool container so small. Okay maybe so that they literally don't have to handle so much shit but really if they have to be that small, please give a manual alongside. Thank you.

As I wanted for my results I wondered how it is like to handle people's shit everyday of your life for a living. Do people actually have this passion? You grow up hoping to examine fecal matter someday? I know it is not the only examination in medical lab but it must be the most intriguing for a passion driven lab professional. I was unable to get a clear mental picture of what kind of a lab technician I would have made. 

Finally, my results were out and I was sent back to the doctor who said the test was negative but I would be put on medication to control acidity in my stomach. Fair enough I thought. As I waited to get my acid control medication from the pharmacy, the doctor called out my name. "Me?" I was just making sure I do not have a name sake in the queue. "Yes." I figured this must be another crappy doctor moment. Once inside the consultation room , he dint let my mind wander much. He said the lab technician had sent an update on my result and It was positive. Wth!!

Crappy lab technician: Just sent the second reading and its positive hahaha (insert the                                                   
                                                   tears emoji)

Crappy Doc Donholm: How long did you wait to see the result? That may be out of the                                                   
                                                  test window period.

Crappy lab technician: Oooh damn it, did I even check the test window period.

Crappy Doc One: Hahaha, day made!!

The doctor said we shall use the first result. The second one may be skewed. Because if you take the results after the test window period is over, the results are different.

I wondered whether the lab technician had noticed that I did not approve of his marvin swag. Or may be I gave him too much shit? What would make a lab technician have second thoughts about a fecal matter patient?

At this point, I realized the whatsApp group would have come in handy for psychological support. Can you imagine if a campus student was told she was not pregnant then at the hospital gate on her way out she is called back and the result is positive?!

Greetings from Rock bottom :).


Friday, 20 November 2015

I Hit Rock Bottom While Aiming for the Sky.

Focus is when you put all your energy, thoughts, hopes and aspirations in something you believe in. When you focus, you hardly hear the wind pass. You concentrate, you get immersed, lost and suddenly you are defining a new self. When you believing in something so much, you start envisioning yourself in it, with it or being it. You lose yourself.

This has been me the last two to three months. I wanted this new job position so much. I chased managers across the corridors and asked leading questions. I knew the positions were opening but I dint know when and so I kept tabs on every new change. 

When you want to find a husband, you put yourself out there. It is the same thing with finding a job. I was out there more than It is needed. :)
People started to notice me, I took part in almost all group activities, heck I even anchored the news on the t.v channel at our workplace. Yes we have t.v channel . That was a good night, that night I was on air. I was almost a celebrity overnight, people poured out hearty congratulations as others were amazed that I had the courage to do that. 

The thing is, I am told I have a misleading face. People meet me and think I am uptight and serious,probably even boring but I think they are the ones who have a problem because after sometime they actually admit it " I never knew you were this talkative, or funny or whatever else adjectives they feel like using to describe my happy self. I am used to being profiled by the seriousness on my face and I keep wondering, should I go smiling around like a smiling machine or what do they exactly mean when the say " You are too serous"?

The job positions opened up and you can bet I was first to drop in my application. Five minutes after a communication was sent that the vacancies were open, candidate number one was already waiting. I did a lot of following up weeks later to  ensure that it had actually been received. On the weekend before the interview, I locked my self indoors and read manuals and websites. I was more prepared than was required as I realized during the interview because that was the first time I had been in front of a panel that nodded when I talked and one that I actually got to interview a little because I felt like they dint pose a challenge big enough for me . They were done; I actually got myself asking "Is that all?" Where was I to take all this information on Forex, FDIs, Dispora banking and all those things? I dint want to use the next time, I dint see a next time. I walked out of that room feeling proud of myself.  

Meet the brand ambassador for the night :)
Behind that smile were tears that needed to flow.

 A week later, I was selected among other people to be a brand ambassador for the new brand. It was a great feeling, a premonition of better things to come. The wait for my interview results was painful because doubt would creep in now and then. But I held on to my faith. Word on the corridors was that I was second in ranking. My competition must have been born way earlier than I was because the only thing she had above me was experience. I was happy because number two counts too. But time went and there was no communication and finally it dawned on me that the only place to be is at the top. Average does not cut it. I was not ready for such news. I broke down. It was the day were to hold the event where I doing the brand ambassador roles. I was not happy. Behind my smile were tears that could occasionally make me visit the washrooms more often than normal. I wanted to scream and curse. I wanted to hate whom ever took my job. I was not prepared for failure. I hit rock bottom .

This post comes from a point of pain. A point where self acceptance is needed but there is not enough to give. But the pen takes away  my pain in a way I cannot explain. So I thought about; it not conclusive thoughts. They were scattered all over and they dint even care to gather and make sense. I decided to write about it. 

Because in life no situation is unique to you. Some one must have gone through the same, another may need to hear that someone like you can actually fail. There maybe one wondering why she is alone in failure. Here is to those who have aimed for the sky and fallen for the stars, we have to keep trying, better still, change strategy but we must get what we want because we deserve the best. 

This is beside the point but hey, I googled the meaning of Mihas, and this is what I found: timely, right?


Thursday, 3 September 2015

Lets Make Love

I have either been listening out for negative talk or I am just dealing with too many negative people around me lately. I hear negativity all around these days. People who want to dampen others' spirits, those who think they can validate their existence by making others feel worthless, humanity is constantly hurt by humans.
It gets to a point where I predict what someone will say negatively so that when the outcome is contrary to my perceived thought, I celebrate.  At times, self doubt kicks in after a negative comment and you may actually lose faith in yourself in the process. That is how humans kills silently. By shutting others up, mostly with mundane ideologies drawn from their own inadequacies. 

Here is the thing, yesterday I had a really bad day. I had tears welling up in my eyes every seven minutes or so. It started the previous evening, someone tried very hard to make me feel worthless and abused my intelligence needless to say that it was in public. I was enraged and when I am, I don’t talk or cry, I smile and I hate it. I don’t know where this stupid fake smile comes from. But it always confuses the other person.

There was a permanent thing around my neck. The thing that makes you feel like you want to swallow a potato but you can’t. It was my neck ornament for the day.  I tried wearing heels to feel good. Marilyn Monroe said good shoes lift moods, right? Well it dint work. I called my mother. This is supposed to be the ultimate drill to change moods, well let’s just say it just dint feel any better. By evening, I was still in a foul mood. But my face was all things happy, I smiled, laughed and would hear my soul struggling to keep its sorrow amidst the laughter.

When I was leaving the office, my friend called me for a coffee date. “Not a bad way to end a bad day” I thought. We had a little chit chat, catching up and she asked me a question that made me realize, there was no reason at all to focus on the negative things in life. She found it amazing how I juggle being a mum, a wife, a career woman and still do other stuff on the side. I said I have it in me, that energy to keep going.  I listened to my self say those words and I smiled. I had it in me, all this while. I had it in me to stay positive and not let any other person bring me down.

On my way home after the date, wait, I have a colleague who insists if its a meeting between two girls or two men its not a date but a meeting. But this was, Monica had this hoarse voice from a cold she got as a way to welcome her back to her motherland. Her voice was so bad you should have seen how people stared when we laughed out loud. You could see them conclude by raising their eyebrows that we were on a date and that Monica was the one :) Hahaha get well soon and enjoy your stay.

Where were we, ooh going home. I thought of people who face so much negativity and have still not realized that they have it within them to stay positive and said I will let them know how to stay positive among negative people; 

1. Limit the time you spend with people of negative energy.  

2. Know that you are the best version of yourself, accept that and never try to be anyone else.

3. Weird is rad. Many people think that just because you are not like them, then you are weird, you’re thought processes are skewed, may be unacceptable, because it not normal, well that's okay, weird is rad, rock it!

4. Know what is best for you, listen to advice since negative people are always willing to offer it, then go ahead and do what ever it is you were going to do anyway. 

5. Expect less. 

6. Feed on positive thoughts and store up for a rainy day.

7. Spread positivism to others, it renews you.

8.  Analyze people. No, really, know the people you are dealing with, that way you their actions won’t surprise you. 

9. Do not answer to a negative thought, it may damaged you. Refer to no. 1.

10. Love covers all things, spread it.

                        Lets make love, not damaged humans!!

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

You Are Awesome, Woman!

 I have had a hard time thinking about how to blog on this issue. It has been weighing me down for various reason. Today someone sent me a video that I watched and it gave me a beautiful insight.

Who are you? It starts by asking. Top of my mind was; "I am a woman."  And sure enough it was about women.

There are many women who cannot define themselves beyond their gender. When they look at themselves, woman is all they see. Which is great, but they never seem to realize that a woman is a great thing to be. A woman is a giver of life, a nurturer, a definition of beauty, a source of strength, a leader just to name but a few. I have to admit when I was thinking about this topic I actually posed and asked myself, what are the chances that God is a woman? Valid question, see women are strong though not physically, their emotional strength is a force to recon with, they bring fourth life, they are beautiful and man is made in God’s image. :)

POTUS on his visit to Kenya while addressing Kenyatta University students admitted that women make better leaders. See, even powerful men recognize the strength of a woman. This begs the question then why the woman does not recognize her strength.
The world around the woman hardly aims at elevating her. The woman is crushed, broken and demeaned just for being a woman. The African society is best at this. Everyday for a woman is a struggle to prove herself. We may think we have won the fight for equality but the fight is far from over. We have women who develop a negative attitude towards life because of the pain caused by the men in their lives. Dads who still value their sons more than the daughters and men who treat their wives and girl friends like trash because they have self esteem issues and to feel powerful they pick on women’s weaknesses. It makes a man with low self esteem feel powerful when a woman begs for his mercy. It is the core of abuse in relationships and the woman feels worthless and unacceptable so she will stay at the only place she think she can be accepted.

However, what women need to realize is a that there is a power that lies within them to do great things. Delilah conquered the most powerful man. It was the feminine charm that made such a strong man lose his strength to a woman. Esther married a foolish King, but she used her beauty and wisdom even in a corrupt kingdom to save her tribesmen. The late Waangari Maathai; If you read her autobiography, you will feel the power of a woman’s struggle to save the environment that went largely unrecognized yet she still changed how the world handles the environment today. Rahab was a prostitute but she used her womanly wisdom to save two Israelite spies.

It does not matter who you are in society, you can make a difference. These women are no different from the woman you are now. You were born with that amazing wisdom, strength and power to do amazing things as a woman. This power is vested in every woman. Your job is to find this thing and release it.

Dear woman;
You are beautiful,
You are smart
You are funny,
You are kind
You are unique
You are worth y of love and affection
You are never too much and you are always enough

You are precious,
A rose, a diamond, the most stunning of all God’s creation.
You are worth more than you can ever imagine.
You are worth more than your weight, more than the value of your shoes.
Your worth does not increase with designer clothes.
You are worth much even when you are naked.
You are worth more than your career.
You are worth more than the number of girls who wish they were you,
and the number of men wish they had you.
Your worth surpasses all earthly things because in the eyes of God you are worth dying for.

Regardless of who you think you are,
Whether you look at the mirror and hate the image you see,
Whether you are a mother to child whose dad you do not know,
Whether you are such a winner, but an empty soul,
The truth is you deserve to be loved by someone who can give up their lives for you.
Because you are powerful, strong and capable.

Inside of you is a capability to change the world.
Your responsibility is to find that powerful woman inside you and set that woman free.
Because, you are that woman.
Go ahead woman, be awesome.

                                 Don’t you ever forget, to be awesome, woman!!

Friday, 7 August 2015

The Devil is Not a Toddler

There will always be situations in life that will make you realize that and the devil is not a toddler whom you dance around with singing silly songs in high pitched voices. He is also not your boy that you will negotiate terms and conditions in such situations. 

Here goes some;

1. You have always arrived to work in time. You get there, do your make up, read the business daily, see how the national airline is fairing, text your salonist and book an appointment for her to check on your hairline in the evening, pray and work starts flowing. This has been you for the last three years. Then this day you are told of a board meeting at 7am, which means you have to be at work by 6.30am. You work late the previous evening to ensure all necessary material for the meeting is ready. Your boss sends you a mail asking how ready you are for the meeting and your response? "I am on top of things, everything is going on well" Till the next morning when you wake up to the sunlight coming into your bedroom through the window. Its 8am and you are not dreaming.

2. You leave the club in good shape and great health. The kidneys decide to do the filtering a bit faster than they were doing as you were drinking and you get pressed as soon as the driver starts the engine. You nod to the music and sing along to keep your mind off the thought. You take the stairs in faith because you live on fourth floor and the grace is sufficient. But the lock wont open easy, you say a silent prayer and as soon as its open, it is actually open. :) The walk, no run, I mean sprint from the door to the loo is ten times longer than taking the stairs in slow motion and you still don't make in one piece. 

3. No sooner had you lathered your whole body in soap than the lights go off and you have to rinse off with cold water. Wuui

4. On a day like today, you leave home when the sun is shinning. You have been in a jacket and a scarf all week, so what a relief to dress less. Then as soon as you get to town, it starts to drizzle.

5. That one week you have not gone to the salon, because you din't have time or you want your hair do to be fresh for a certain event so you put up with two or three bad hair days, on the last day of your bad hair week, you meet your ex on your way home from work. Well well well..........

6. You buy this new dress and you know for sure you are going to turn heads in it.  On Monday morning, it fits a little tighter, as you walk down the stairs, the hind section does that thing of lifting the dress up with every stride. You get to ground floor and the care taker gives you this look and you confirm that for sure you need to change into something else. You rush up the stairs and on you way back, you trip and fall down the stairs. Its already ten minutes past your ideal time.

7. After a month of exams and burning the mid night oil every night, you decide to turn up and reward yourself . You wake up to a mammoth of a hangover the next day and your mum calls, she is at the gate, its a surprise :)

8. You get home late, but you are determined to cook a mean meal for yourself. You make the ugali and prepare the vegetables, as soon as you put meat on the fire. Gas goes off. The damn cylinder is done. 

9. What is the relationship between being on the "avoid alcohol" kind of medication and your best friend calling you for a random event by their company and its open bar?

10. Why does one get two great job offers at the same time and you have to choose? Hey blessings, make a queue, don't make me choose you , I love you all equally at different times. 

11. You plan a holiday trip with your pals. Make all bookings and arrangements, your are busy applying for your leave day when you get an email that there shall be a leave freeze for the next two months.

12. The day you do not iron your clothes at night you wake up to a black out.

13. The day yo carry some nice chicken curry for lunch to work is the day you get lunch dates. The day you have nothing, the only message you receive on your phone is Mshwari reminding you to pay the loan. 

14. You miss an office function for a friends party outside town and it sucks the life out of you.

15. Your friends tell you that you are not fit to drive home after a drinking spree. You argue and even manage to prove your sobriety to a reasonable level. The next thing, you are calling your friends with stories about how the alco blow guys wont accept 2k which is the only money in your pocket.

16. The day you are not in talking terms with your dude is when when some guy hits your Nisan March from behind on Thika road. You have to make the damn call. I mean its your orange Nissan March we are talking about. 

17. You always send the chama money in good time and with the withdrawal fee. This one time you forget to send on time and when you remember, the only money available on your mpesa is the flat fee no withdrawal fee. Its a bad day for the recipient, the next thing you are trending on the chama group. haha (insert emotion that laughs to tears). 

18. You leave work early and have no plot despite the fact that its a Friday. You decide #thetrend will be your thing that evening. Larry Madowo then decides to interview that ex jail bird who abused the president and has absolutely no clue of how to be sorry neither opinionated. I think he also has no clue of his age, you cant be so old at 22. Surely, you are making the real 22 year olds look like toddlers.

19. You start this post with an aim of getting 20 reasons and you are at numero 19 and you are too hungry to think further. Its cold and its 1.20 pm. Brain shuts!

The devil is not your boy....hehe but J.C ni baba yao :). 

Have a great weekend ahead and don't dance with the devil. 

Thursday, 6 August 2015

State of a Failed Society... Mollis

I logged on to twitter yesterday evening and I found this trending topic #Mollis, curiously, I tried to see what it was about Mollis. Apparently, he is some hero to whom a girl has surrendered. My interest was to see how far KOT had gone with raising #1MilliForJadudi, I realized the topic was trending but not high ranking, its fine anyway. I do a few re-tweets and hope this two or three of my followers will be touched and give something. My contribution was little, so I have to top it up by raising awareness.

In my WhatsApp groups, Mollis is being mentioned again, but it is evening, that time to go see what my son has been up to all day.  I hardly have time to be on the Internet at night. I dedicate these hours to my family.

On my way to work, I read then take a short nap. Once in the office, I see this Mollis thing again and now am too curious. I put on my eye phones and listen to what will turn out to be the most disturbing audio I have listened to after one where a guy did a remix of Sauti Sol's Nerea song and tells Waithera to just get an abortion because the baby she is carrying may turn out to be Osama, or Onyancha or which ever bad personality we know of in this failed society.

I am not sure I was born at the right time, my generation may be in graves by now or maybe they are grand mothers in old people homes. Because I do not understand how a woman in pain during intercourse tells the guy that she is tired and the guy asks her to shut up and stop being silly is funny. How? How do we as a society sit down and decide that this woman's pain is our source of joy and we go ahead and send the audio to other people whom we think are of the same mind?

When I listened to that audio clip, my hands trembled and I was in shock. I tried to listen to the part where it gets funny and I found none. That guy does not care one bit about the lady and he is punishing her for having human desires. Sex should be an act of pleasure and never a one man show. (Pun fully intended). This lady is obviously not feeling the pleasure.

I thought about how many times women take such abuse and assume that it is normal, how many  women suffer in silence because sex is a taboo topic in African setting.
 How men who have lost face in society are seeking to redeem their egos by abusing women sexually. My heart broke at the thought that this may happen to any woman out there and she will not voice it out because this society will side with the supposed hero. Sexual abuse does not have to be violent. Any sexual act done against a woman's will is abuse and if we can not recognise that as a society, we are a failed generation ready to birth a failed nation.
This is the same guy you will tell you are pregnant and he will tell you to procure an abortion because the baby may be a criminal, of course heartless just like his father.

Its is these small seeds of evil we are planting in society today that are growing to be tall tress in the name of rogue pastors who kill people and get away with murder in broad day light and corrupt leaders, Of course when Mollis gets a position in government or maybe he is already there he will oppose the appointment of a lady  . Because any man who aims to gratify his ego by sexually harassing women has very low self esteem and hence sees a woman as a threat. That is why he takes advantage of her point of weakness.

If the mothers of today can stand up and decide to raise a generation of children who respect human life, boys who will grow to love respect and honor women of all ages and girls who will grow with the knowledge that they are no less of a human being because they are female, then we shall have succeeded in redeeming this failed society.

Some will say that this is an exaggerated point of view and that life is too short to try and solve every body's problem, so because it has happened, lets laugh about it. But I say life is too short to celebrate evil. I may not change as many as five souls but that one soul that will have a different perspective after reading this may have been the Mollis that  may have sexually abused your daughter in future .

Thursday, 9 July 2015

All Good Things to the Left

As I sat right next
He stared, perplexed
Eyes all wet
Life can make you its pet
Situations make you turn left
After all good things have left

He had his hands cuffed
Ego slapped
He hoped situations would be turned
I looked at him and turned
I looked left
All good things seemed to have left

Yes he sat on my right
Said he got into a fight
He was only going through the plight
Of fighting a good fight
When for the dead he was left
And all good things seemed to have left

He always earned his daily bread
In harsh struggles as he was bred
But as the argument bred
The governments’ hand fled
And landed him almost dead
In blood drenched

They said he was a hooligan
Who was almost gunned down
Up and down the reporters ran
They reported a recovered gun
The news bulletin had to run

He was just a good gunner
A daily bread earner
Struggling to keep the burner
But the tunnel was getting darker
Bad times lasted longer

And there he sat looking left
Heart full of contempt
He turned and stared to the left
At the only beautiful thing left
As all good things seemed to have left

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Grown and Sexy Edition.

 High school is the one place that you are bound to make the best friends, have your first crush, eat the un imaginable, have your first kiss if you are luckier than I was, and probably do the most mischievous activities and never really face the full wrath of karma because its high school.

I was a dorm captain . We had a democratic system where the students would propose whom they wanted to lead them then the teachers would deliberate on the chosen individuals and come to a conclusion based on various things including beauty. 

This last trait I think was one of the reasons why my name was suggested in form one and I lost a good one. Haha 

This school had very beautiful ladies. Ladies from the main towns; Eldoret, Nairobi, Nakuru, Mombasa always glow and are more beautiful than the village damsels. That’s people like me. I do not know how I made it in form three. It must have been the lady gay lotion plus hair glo effect.  I still don't get what really used to happen when one got to form two and would all over sudden become very beautiful. Is it those adolescence hormones?

 A dorm captain was one with many responsibilities and a reputation to maintain. But they say there is always a wild side to an innocent face. You got me. I was the leader of the people. I did as the people wanted not as the administration demanded. I kept bananas under my bed to ripen and id share them with my cube mates because they were family. There was always quencher juice somewhere in that cube. Yes we had random inspections but can a doctor treat himself? I had the time of my life and those close to me enjoyed every benefit that came along with this. 

I was in a school where we were only allowed to communicate in either English or French of which I still know none that can help me make a move on a guy (That is the most important thing in any language). I don’t need it now anyway. That was great, but rules were made to be broken. They did not say “English is the only communication language” instead they said, “Students shall at all times speak to one another or to the teacher in either English or French.” Awesome. My pal knew law very well back then and interpreted this not to mean written communication and so she would always pass me notes written in Kikuyu. Most were gossip. Others were about how boring Math is. It truly was. The best was when she wrote to me “Mwarimu ena iratu shia girini mani.” I peered through peoples heads to look at the teachers shoes and to my horror, “The teacher was in green shoes man.” I burst out laughing. I think he had tripped over a bucket of green paint on his way to class. It was the Kiswahili teacher Mr. Kariuki. He had a habit of coming to class a little high. I guess were too beautiful.  He needed some courage to face 40 beautiful ladies yearning for his wisdom, knowledge and perceived intelligence. It must be quite a piece of work being a teacher in high school. I can only imagine having to walk into class of 40 boys in their teens with voices that are not sure of themselves and I have to walk around the class with an aim to kill their constant stare and fantasy that I would otherwise encourage by remaining one position. I am sure id wear long skirts but the hormone filled boys would see my legs and thighs too, damn I can’t be a teacher. I digress.

The teacher caught me laughing and asked me to share the joke. “Who buys green official shoes and where do you even get the shoe polish?” I wanted to shout amidst my laughter but I couldn’t. I got myself into what was deemed the worst punishment of all times. My friend and I had to dig a grave. You know that hole you had to dig so deep until when you are inside we cant see you anymore? Lucky for you, if you were short. I think I was taller in high school than I am now. I don’t know how, but am shorter. Trust me. The thing about this grave is that you had to cover it after the teacher confirmed that you actually fit in it. May be the fear was that you may actually use it for its purpose later in the night when you discover your supposed boyfriend had kissed your classmate and he had never kissed you. It happened to me. Luckily id already covered the damn hole.

It is this and many other stories that make the friends you meet in high school, life friends. You share the most important part of your lives. The confused one. You get lost in decisions you think are life changing. Like should I take humanities over sciences? Some meet their future in laws in high school. 

High school can make you doubt your sexuality. There will be times you will look at the Computer teacher and think he is the hottest man that side of the Sahara and the next time you are changing into games outfit you will see your desk mate's boobs and think, wow! God really did take time curving you up. Your taste for certain foods may be skewed for life. Its is traumatizing to have the same thing for breakfast for four years yet there is nothing that will ever taste as good as that bun and black chocolate ten years later.

What better way to mark the ten years than to hold a reunion and see how much your girl crush has grown into a beautiful lady? Pray the hormones don’t misbehave again though. :) Ten years is along time and many things have changed but the one thing that will never change is that the friends you made in those four tender years in that institution may remain your rock in life’s journey for ever. 

This is to extend an invitation to the class of 2005 Mary Mount Form Four South. The ladies of strength, beauty and endless humor. This is to you who has not set eyes on me since we left the blue gate. It is to you who went to study abroad, misses home and still have a taste of buns lingering in your month. I can’t wait to see how beautiful mums some of us have grown to be.
This is to the 4th of July. It’s a date ladies!! 
Grown and Sexy Edition..............come one, come all!!

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

A Book for Life.

Life is like a book, you can’t keep reading the same chapter
no matter how much you enjoyed the last chatter,
you got to look at the page there after.
And keep the mojo to the last chapter.
Some pages are just for banter,
You got to be the master.

Life is like a book, you write your own.
Each day is a blank page, make it worth a pawn.
It will not be understandable to many, its yours to own.
Your dream to reach, success to achieve, your pain to moan.
Make it count, you are destined for a greatness you’ll own.

Live the life of a book reader, open up your mind.
Love book lovers, the best insights you will find.
Fall in love in a book store, it will spin your mind.
Book an appointment with a nerd, pick his mind.
Stay young, age doesn't, matter if you don’t mind.

A good book will haunt you at night
It will give you potential and insight.
Until you have reached the height
Of greatness despite the plight.
Then you’ll have won the fight.

Life is a book, read it, write it, live it then leave it.