I have had a hard time thinking about how to
blog on this issue. It has been weighing me down for various
reason. Today someone sent me a video that I watched and it gave me a beautiful
Who are you? It starts by asking.
Top of my mind was; "I am a woman." And sure enough it was about women.
There are many women who cannot
define themselves beyond their gender. When they look at themselves, woman is
all they see. Which is great, but they never seem to realize that a woman is a
great thing to be. A woman is a giver of life, a nurturer, a definition of
beauty, a source of strength, a leader just to name but a few. I have to admit
when I was thinking about this topic I actually posed and asked myself, what
are the chances that God is a woman? Valid question, see women are strong
though not physically, their emotional strength is a force to recon with, they
bring fourth life, they are beautiful and man is made in God’s image. :)
POTUS on his visit to Kenya while
addressing Kenyatta University students admitted that women make better leaders.
See, even powerful men recognize the strength of a woman. This begs the
question then why the woman does not recognize her strength.
The world around the woman hardly
aims at elevating her. The woman is crushed, broken and demeaned just for being
a woman. The African society is best at this. Everyday for a woman is a
struggle to prove herself. We may think we have won the fight for equality but
the fight is far from over. We have women who develop a negative attitude
towards life because of the pain caused by the men in their lives. Dads who
still value their sons more than the daughters and men who treat their wives
and girl friends like trash because they have self esteem issues and to feel
powerful they pick on women’s weaknesses. It makes a man with low self esteem
feel powerful when a woman begs for his mercy. It is the core of abuse in
relationships and the woman feels worthless and unacceptable so she will stay
at the only place she think she can be accepted.
However, what women need to realize
is a that there is a power that lies within them to do great things. Delilah conquered
the most powerful man. It was the feminine charm that made such a strong man
lose his strength to a woman. Esther married a foolish King, but she used her
beauty and wisdom even in a corrupt kingdom to save her tribesmen. The late
Waangari Maathai; If you read her autobiography, you will feel the power of a
woman’s struggle to save the environment that went largely unrecognized yet she
still changed how the world handles the environment today. Rahab was a
prostitute but she used her womanly wisdom to save two Israelite spies.
It does not matter who you are in
society, you can make a difference. These women are no different from the woman
you are now. You were born with that amazing wisdom, strength and power to do
amazing things as a woman. This power is vested in every woman. Your job is to
find this thing and release it.
Dear woman;
You are beautiful,
You are smart
You are funny,
You are kind
You are unique
You are worth y of love and
You are never too much and you are
always enough
You are precious,
A rose, a diamond, the most
stunning of all God’s creation.
You are worth more than you can
ever imagine.
You are worth more than your
weight, more than the value of your shoes.
Your worth does not increase with
designer clothes.
You are worth much even when you
are naked.
You are worth more than your
You are worth more than the number of
girls who wish they were you,
and the number of men wish they had
Your worth surpasses all earthly things
because in the eyes of God you are worth dying for.
Regardless of who you think you
Whether you look at the mirror and
hate the image you see,
Whether you are a mother to child
whose dad you do not know,
Whether you are such a winner, but
an empty soul,
The truth is you deserve to be
loved by someone who can give up their lives for you.
Because you are powerful, strong
and capable.
Inside of you is a capability to change
the world.
Your responsibility is to find that
powerful woman inside you and set that woman free.
Because, you are that woman.
Go ahead woman, be awesome.