Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Grown and Sexy Edition.

 High school is the one place that you are bound to make the best friends, have your first crush, eat the un imaginable, have your first kiss if you are luckier than I was, and probably do the most mischievous activities and never really face the full wrath of karma because its high school.

I was a dorm captain . We had a democratic system where the students would propose whom they wanted to lead them then the teachers would deliberate on the chosen individuals and come to a conclusion based on various things including beauty. 

This last trait I think was one of the reasons why my name was suggested in form one and I lost a good one. Haha 

This school had very beautiful ladies. Ladies from the main towns; Eldoret, Nairobi, Nakuru, Mombasa always glow and are more beautiful than the village damsels. That’s people like me. I do not know how I made it in form three. It must have been the lady gay lotion plus hair glo effect.  I still don't get what really used to happen when one got to form two and would all over sudden become very beautiful. Is it those adolescence hormones?

 A dorm captain was one with many responsibilities and a reputation to maintain. But they say there is always a wild side to an innocent face. You got me. I was the leader of the people. I did as the people wanted not as the administration demanded. I kept bananas under my bed to ripen and id share them with my cube mates because they were family. There was always quencher juice somewhere in that cube. Yes we had random inspections but can a doctor treat himself? I had the time of my life and those close to me enjoyed every benefit that came along with this. 

I was in a school where we were only allowed to communicate in either English or French of which I still know none that can help me make a move on a guy (That is the most important thing in any language). I don’t need it now anyway. That was great, but rules were made to be broken. They did not say “English is the only communication language” instead they said, “Students shall at all times speak to one another or to the teacher in either English or French.” Awesome. My pal knew law very well back then and interpreted this not to mean written communication and so she would always pass me notes written in Kikuyu. Most were gossip. Others were about how boring Math is. It truly was. The best was when she wrote to me “Mwarimu ena iratu shia girini mani.” I peered through peoples heads to look at the teachers shoes and to my horror, “The teacher was in green shoes man.” I burst out laughing. I think he had tripped over a bucket of green paint on his way to class. It was the Kiswahili teacher Mr. Kariuki. He had a habit of coming to class a little high. I guess were too beautiful.  He needed some courage to face 40 beautiful ladies yearning for his wisdom, knowledge and perceived intelligence. It must be quite a piece of work being a teacher in high school. I can only imagine having to walk into class of 40 boys in their teens with voices that are not sure of themselves and I have to walk around the class with an aim to kill their constant stare and fantasy that I would otherwise encourage by remaining one position. I am sure id wear long skirts but the hormone filled boys would see my legs and thighs too, damn I can’t be a teacher. I digress.

The teacher caught me laughing and asked me to share the joke. “Who buys green official shoes and where do you even get the shoe polish?” I wanted to shout amidst my laughter but I couldn’t. I got myself into what was deemed the worst punishment of all times. My friend and I had to dig a grave. You know that hole you had to dig so deep until when you are inside we cant see you anymore? Lucky for you, if you were short. I think I was taller in high school than I am now. I don’t know how, but am shorter. Trust me. The thing about this grave is that you had to cover it after the teacher confirmed that you actually fit in it. May be the fear was that you may actually use it for its purpose later in the night when you discover your supposed boyfriend had kissed your classmate and he had never kissed you. It happened to me. Luckily id already covered the damn hole.

It is this and many other stories that make the friends you meet in high school, life friends. You share the most important part of your lives. The confused one. You get lost in decisions you think are life changing. Like should I take humanities over sciences? Some meet their future in laws in high school. 

High school can make you doubt your sexuality. There will be times you will look at the Computer teacher and think he is the hottest man that side of the Sahara and the next time you are changing into games outfit you will see your desk mate's boobs and think, wow! God really did take time curving you up. Your taste for certain foods may be skewed for life. Its is traumatizing to have the same thing for breakfast for four years yet there is nothing that will ever taste as good as that bun and black chocolate ten years later.

What better way to mark the ten years than to hold a reunion and see how much your girl crush has grown into a beautiful lady? Pray the hormones don’t misbehave again though. :) Ten years is along time and many things have changed but the one thing that will never change is that the friends you made in those four tender years in that institution may remain your rock in life’s journey for ever. 

This is to extend an invitation to the class of 2005 Mary Mount Form Four South. The ladies of strength, beauty and endless humor. This is to you who has not set eyes on me since we left the blue gate. It is to you who went to study abroad, misses home and still have a taste of buns lingering in your month. I can’t wait to see how beautiful mums some of us have grown to be.
This is to the 4th of July. It’s a date ladies!! 
Grown and Sexy Edition..............come one, come all!!

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

A Book for Life.

Life is like a book, you can’t keep reading the same chapter
no matter how much you enjoyed the last chatter,
you got to look at the page there after.
And keep the mojo to the last chapter.
Some pages are just for banter,
You got to be the master.

Life is like a book, you write your own.
Each day is a blank page, make it worth a pawn.
It will not be understandable to many, its yours to own.
Your dream to reach, success to achieve, your pain to moan.
Make it count, you are destined for a greatness you’ll own.

Live the life of a book reader, open up your mind.
Love book lovers, the best insights you will find.
Fall in love in a book store, it will spin your mind.
Book an appointment with a nerd, pick his mind.
Stay young, age doesn't, matter if you don’t mind.

A good book will haunt you at night
It will give you potential and insight.
Until you have reached the height
Of greatness despite the plight.
Then you’ll have won the fight.

Life is a book, read it, write it, live it then leave it.

Thursday, 11 June 2015


Got this from my blog archives…………from Sep 2011. Enjoy

1  Be unorthodox

Take the course opposite to custom
You will almost do well

Think different......If you follow the crowd,
the place you will most likely end up at is the exit.

Stop bending to the demands of the social pressure
at the expense of your uniqueness
Let your heart drive you
Not public opinion

Take the road less traveled....
Find success beyond your wildest dreams.

Read every day what  no one else is reading...
Think every day what no one else is thinking...
It’s bad for the mind to always be a part of unanimity.

It’s easy for the world to live after our own..
but the great man is the one who...
In the midst of a crowd ...

Keeps with perfect sweetness
The independent solitude

Be bold,
Be real,
Be Unorthodox.